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6 docs tagged with "User Case"

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DMALL —— a summary of database selection experience in SaaS scenarios

Feng Guangpu, head of the Dmall database team, is responsible for the stability of OceanBase, TiDB, MySQL, Redis, and other databases of Dmall and the construction of its database platform as a service (PaaS) model. Feng has a wealth of experience in multi-active database architecture and data synchronization schemes.

Handling over 10 million daily API calls with an ultra-low query latency: A real-time analytical solution of KYE based on Flink and OceanBase

About the author: Bao Guiming, Senior Big Data Engineer at KUAYUE EXPRESS (KYE), works on the research and introduction of real-time data R&D platforms and data lakes. Focusing on advancing the best practices and solutions of real-time/offline data warehouse architectures, Bao is committed to providing his company with accessible and efficient big data infrastructure systems, such as real-time computing systems and data lakes.

Momo —— Exploration and practice of persistent cache based on OceanBase KV storage

About the author: Ji Haodong, head of the database division at Momo, part of the Hello Group. He is now responsible for the database teams of Momo and Tantan and the database storage and operation throughout the Hello Group. He has a wealth of professional experience and practical know-how in the fields of large-scale data source stability construction, team building, cost optimization, and IDC migration.

Sichuan Hwadee —— The practice of lightweight data warehouse construction of health big data based on OceanBase

Introduction: This article introduces Sichuan Hwadee's practice of migrating its data computing platform from Hadoop to OceanBase Database. This case demonstrates the advantages of OceanBase Database in terms of performance and storage costs. With OceanBase Database, hardware costs are reduced by 60% and the O&M work is significantly cut down, relieving maintenance personnel from responsibility for the many Hadoop components. OceanBase Database enables Hwadee to meet the needs of hybrid transaction/analytical processing (HTAP) scenarios with just one system, simplifying O&M for the company.