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Modify other parameters

This topic describes how to modify parameters other than those related to tenant resources and tenant replicas.

  • For more information about how to modify parameters related to tenant resources, see Manage resources.

  • For more information about how to modify parameters related to tenant replicas, see Manage replicas.

Modify the connection whitelist for a tenant

If you want to update the list of IP addresses allowed to connect to a tenant, you can modify the connectWhiteList parameter in the tenant configuration file. When you modify this parameter, the value must include the CIDR block of ob-operator; otherwise, ob-operator cannot connect to the tenant.

  1. Modify the value of connectWhiteList in the spec section in the tenant configuration file tenant.yaml.

    connectWhiteList: '%'
  2. Run the following command for the modification to take effect:

    kubectl apply -f tenant.yaml
  3. Run the following command to view the custom resources of the tenant in the current Kubernetes cluster to check whether the modification is successful:

    kubectl get -n oceanbase -o yaml

    If the value of the corresponding parameter in the spec:connectWhiteList section in the custom resources of the tenant is changed to the new value, the modification is successful.

    obcluster: obcluster
    connectWhiteList: '%'