4.0 Introduction
This chapter describes how to migrate and synchronize data in OceanBase Database.
4.1 Compatibility between OceanBase Database and MySQL
4.2 Ecosystem components for data migration and synchronization
4.3 Use OMS for data migration and synchronization
4.4 Use OBLogProxy for incremental log proxying
4.5 Use OBLOADER & OBDUMPER for data migration
4.6 Use SQL statements for data migration
4.7 Use other tools for data migration and synchronization
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Forum on the official website of OceanBase Database Community Edition: https://ask.oceanbase.com/
GitHub page for reporting issues of OceanBase Database Community Edition: https://github.com/oceanbase/oceanbase/issues
You can click here to learn the supporting course of this tutorial — From Beginner to Pro: A Guide for DBAs (in Chinese).