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Running mysqltest by

When using to run the mysqltest test, you need to use the OceanBase database deployed through This article uses examples to introduce how to use to deploy the OceanBase database and run the mysqltest test starting from compiling the source code.


In order to simplify the operating steps for developers and reduce their understanding costs, we encapsulate some OBD commands into the script and store the script in the oceanbase/tools/deploy directory of the OceanBase source code. This article runs the mysqltest test by calling the obd test mysqltest commands in OBD.


mysqltest is a test in the OceanBase database access test. Simply put, it takes the written case file as input and compares the output of the database with the expected output. The cases tested by mysqltest in the OceanBase database are all located in the tools/deploy/mysql_test directory of the OceanBase source code.

case is the smallest execution unit of mysqltest. A case contains at least one test file and one result file. Classifying cases forms a suite, and a suite is a collection of cases.

When running the mysqltest test, it is divided into different modes according to the selected nodes. The common mysqltest modes are as follows.

  • c mode: Connect to the server where the Primary Zone is located to run mysqltest. For example, use the configuration file distributed.yaml to deploy the cluster and then connect to server1 to run the test.
./ mysqltest -n <name> --suite acs --test-server=server1
  • Slave mode: Connect to a server other than the Primary Zone to run mysqltest. For example, use the configuration file distributed.yaml to deploy the cluster and then connect to server2 to run the test.
./ mysqltest -n <name> --suite acs --test-server=server2
  • Proxy mode: Connect to the cluster through ODP for mysqltest testing. For example, use the configuration file distributed-with-proxy.yaml to deploy the cluster and run the test.
./ mysqltest -n <name> --all


Step 1: Compile OceanBase database from source code

Please refer to build-and-run to compile the OceanBase database from source code.

Step 2: Run mysqltest test

You can choose to test in full or specify a case or suite for testing. For the specific meaning of parameters used when executing the script, please refer to Appendix.

  • Full test, that is, run all suites in the mysql_test/test_suite directory, please refer to the following command.
[admin@obtest ~]$ cd oceanbase/tools/deploy
[admin@obtest deploy]$ ./ mysqltest -n test --all
  • Specify case for testing, for example, specify mysql_test/test_suite/alter/t/alter_log_archive_option.test. Please refer to the following command.
[admin@obtest ~]$ cd oceanbase/tools/deploy
[admin@obtest deploy]$ ./ mysqltest -n test --test-dir ./mysql_test/test_suite/alter/t --result-dir ./mysql_test/test_suite/alter/r --test-set alter_log_archive_option
  • To specify a suite test, for example, to execute a test on a specified suite in the mysql_test/test_suite directory, please refer to the following command.
[admin@obtest ~]$ cd oceanbase/tools/deploy
[admin@obtest deploy]$ ./ mysqltest -n test --suite acs


When executing the mysqltest test, you can configure some parameters according to the actual situation. The parameters are explained in the following table:

Parameter Name Required Type Default Note
-n Y string null The cluster name.
--component N string null The name of the component to be tested. Candidates are obproxy, obproxy-ce, oceanbase, and oceanbase-ce. When empty, checks are performed in the order obproxy, obproxy-ce, oceanbase, oceanbase-ce. If it is detected that the component exists, it will no longer be traversed, and the hit component will be used for subsequent testing.
--test-server N string The default is the first node in the server under the specified component The machine to be tested can be set to the name value corresponding to the servers in the yaml file. If the name value is not configured after servers, the ip value will be used, which must be under the specified component. A certain node name.
--user N string admin The username for executing the test, generally does not need to be modified.。
--password N string admin Password
--database N string test database
--mysqltest-bin N string /u01/obclient/bin/mysqltest mysqltest binary file path.
--obclient-bin N string obclient obclient binary file path.
--test-dir N string ./mysql_test/t The directory where the test-file required by mysqltest is stored. If the test file cannot be found, it will try to find it in the OBD built-in.
--test-file-suffix N string .test mysqltest 所需的 test-file 的后缀。
--result-dir N string ./mysql_test/r The directory where the result-file required by mysqltest is stored. If the result file is not found, it will try to find it in the OBD built-in.
--result-file-suffix N string .result The suffix of result-file required by mysqltest.
--record N bool false Only the execution results of mysqltest are recorded as record-file.
--record-dir N string ./record The directory where the execution results of mysqltest are recorded.
--record-file-suffix N string .record The suffix that records the execution results of mysqltest.
--tmp-dir N string ./tmp tmpdir option for mysqltest.
--var-dir N string ./var The log directory will be created under this directory and passed to mysqltest as the logdir option.
--test-set N string no test case array. Use commas (,) to separate multiple cases.
--exclude N string no The test case array needs to be excluded. Use commas (,) to separate multiple cases.
--test-pattern N string no The regular expression that test filenames match. All cases matching the expression will override the test-set option.
--suite N string no suite array. A suite contains multiple tests, which can be separated by commas (,).
--suite-dir N string ./mysql_test/test_suite The directory where the suite directory is stored. If the suite directory is not found, it will try to find it in the OBD built-in.
--all N bool false Execute all cases under --suite-dir. The directory where the suite directory is stored.
--need-init N bool false Execute init sql file. A new cluster may need to execute some initialization files before executing mysqltest, such as creating the account and tenant required for the case. The directory where the suite directory is stored. Not enabled by default.
--init-sql-dir N string ./ The directory where the init sql file is located. When the sql file is not found, it will try to find it in the OBD built-in.
--init-sql-files N string Default is empty Array of init sql files to be executed when init is required. English comma (,) separation. If not filled in, if init is required, OBD will execute the built-in init according to the cluster configuration.
--auto-retry N bool false Automatically redeploy the cluster and try again when it fails.
--psmall N bool false Execute the case in psmall mode.
--slices N int null The number of groups into which the cases to be executed will be divided.
--slice-idx N int null Specify the current group id.
--slb-host N string null Specify the soft load balancing center.
--exec-id N string null Specify execution id.
--case-filter N string ./mysql_test/ The file maintains the cases that need to be filtered.
--reboot-timeout N int 0 Restart timeout.
--reboot-retries N int 5 Number of retries for failed restarts.
--collect-all N bool false Whether to collect component logs.
--log-dir N string The default is log under tmp_dir The log storage path of mysqltest.
--log-pattern N string *.log Collect log file names matching the regular expression, and the hit files will be collected.
--case-timeout N int 3600 mysqltest timeout for a single test.
--disable-reboot N bool false No more restarts during test execution.
--collect-components N string null Used to specify the components to be collected for logs. Multiple components are separated by commas (,).
--init-only N bool false When true, only init SQL is executed.